Saturday, February 22, 2020

What are the effects if the government implement of Good-and-Services Essay

What are the effects if the government implement of Good-and-Services Tax (GST) in Hong Kong with the aim of broaden the tax base in Hong Kong - Essay Example Usually the problem arises because it is politically difficult to lower the demand for expenditure growth and to raise revenue to match government’s tendency to spend more and more. Almost all political systems, democracies included, have this problem. Fortunately for Hong Kong, the Basic Law provides a kind of constitutional limitation of budget deficits. According to professor William Baumol, â€Å"another reason that the public spending tend to rise faster than revenues stems from the fact that the most important component of public spending is civil service remuneration†(Fiscal Issues) Sometimes, volatility can mask what is essentially a structural issue. In a good year, when revenue increases, so does spending. In a bad year, however spending does not decrease when revenue does. If spending always grew to match growth in revenue, over time, spending would exceed revenue. This volatility is really structural imbalance between spending and revenue. Baumol further sta tes, â€Å"the rising share of public expenditure in GDP and the faster growth of recurrent spending over recurrent revenue are the main structural problems with the Hong Kong budget†(Fiscal Issue) In some countries – as for instance, most of the European countries – the reforms consists of a gradual process of adaptation. As a consequence the tax systems in operation in the 30 OECD member countries today are fundamentally different from those which operated in the mid-1980’s.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Analysis of the president campaign through market research possess Essay - 1

Analysis of the president campaign through market research possess - Essay Example In the process, they will also be able to choose the electors who will represent their respective states in the Electoral College. With just around 30 days left to the U.S presidential elections, it is important to analyze the presidential campaign of each of the main presidential contenders using a market research analysis process. This paper will also discuss the main voter constituencies as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each of the presidential candidate before finally predicting the winner. The primary objective of this market research analysis is to develop a logical interpretation of the data regarding the potential electoral victory of any of the two main presidential contenders in the forth coming elections. The analysis will also evaluate and measure the attitudes of voting behavior of the U.S population and finally use this analysis to predict the likely winner of the November 2012 presidential elections. The analysis of the presidential campaign using market research process was through a number of methods that sought to determine the opinion of both the U.S citizens and interested parties all over the world on the November 6 U.S presidential elections. One of the key methods used was online review of recent publications regarding the key issues of the forthcoming elections as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each of the top contenders. Another method that was employed was an analysis of the social media profiles of the two main candidates to provide important insights into what the voters and supporters are saying about them, as well as the likely key issues that may shape the forthcoming elections. The Twitter and Facebook account data of both president Obama and his top challenger Mitt Romney were closely followed and recorded as shown below (Summers 4). The data collected from both the social media analysis and the online literature review revealed a significant